
A penny in my pocket
A penny in my pocket

I began to disengage from almost everyone around me. While I had left home ready to soak in all that independence had to offer, I began to experience symptoms of severe depression toward the end of my first semester. The year was 2002, and I was a freshman at a Midwestern Christian college. Anxiety and I had become so interwoven that I couldn’t distinguish one from the other. They invaded even when I wasn’t conscious enough to let my ruminating thoughts take me there. The attacks had become more frequent and harder to control. I was having yet another anxiety attack-this time jolting me out of a dead sleep. My heart beat so rapidly that I could feel it on my fingertips, wildly thumping like a jackhammer.

a penny in my pocket

I sat straight up in bed, my hand instinctively covering my chest.

A penny in my pocket